Nepal also uses the same term or Namaskar to greet.

In Kerala it becomes Namaskaram, in Karnataka it goes as Namaskara and in Andhra states Namaskaramu. The term has many variants – Namaskar, which is ideally used when you address more than one person. Ask any Hippie and they would even say ‘The divine in me bows to the divine in you’. Namaste means ‘I bow to the divine in you’. Researching for this post was absolute fun. I knew most of them, but some of them like Dhaal Karu from Himachal was a revelation for me. Thanks to my Twitter and FB timeline for adding to this list. Here is a list of some of the commonly used greetings across India.

However, when nothing in India is universal, how can our greetings be. Very often, when people realize you are an Indian, they fold hands and greet you with a Namaste. Namaste is the most commonly used greeting in India.